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Single class options are here for our Potter's House family!  We invite you to join us for two out of four of the classes listed below, throughout the 2024-25 school year.  Check out the classes below.



Our Single Class Option is a great way for you to get a feel for how PHSM operates.  Below are four classes that will be offered through this program.  Understanding Worship, Revival History, Theology Basics and The 5 Fold Ministry.  This program is only available to members of The Potter's House, any campus.  The cost to attend is $150/class.


You can choose two of the listed classes to attend throughout the upcoming school year.  Understanding Worship (Q1) will be held on Thursday evenings and you would be invited to join our School of Ministry Worship time from 6-7p and then attend your class at 7p.  Revival History, Theology Basics and The 5 Fold Ministry classes will be held on Tuesday evenings and you will be invited to join our School of Ministry Pastoral Impartation time from 6-7p and then you will attend your class at 7p.  Class descriptions are listed below and if you have any further questions, feel free to contact us



Understanding Worship

Have you ever wondered why singing and music have such a big role in the church?  Have you ever considered that worship is far more than a song, singing or playing an instrument?  In this class, we will dive deep into the topic of worship and why it is so vital to the life of a believer.  From the David's Tabernacle, flowing in worship, the power of music, worship throughout church history and much more...there is a world to uncover when it comes to worship.  Come join us as we journey through scriptures and learn God's design and desire for worship in our lives and in the church community.  This class begins on August 29th and continues weekly.  Register Now!

Revival History

This class will be a survey of major revival movements throughout western Christianity specifically. This class will lean heavily on the book of Joel (ch. 1-3) as it lays out a biblical understanding of what revival is, what precedes it and the effects it has not just on individual human souls but on communities and even the physical earth.  This class begins on October 29th and continues weekly.  

Register Now!

Theology Basics

Theology will introduce students to the exciting pursuit of growing in the knowledge and love of God hrough both intellectual and personal discovery.  Students will learn concepts of worldviews and how theology interacts with varying worldviews and learn to analyze their own theology and its roots.  Register Now!

5 Fold Ministry

This class will uncover the purpose of the five-fold ministry as it was given and intended by Jesus: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. We teach the students with biblical truth and understanding for what the five-fold ministry is, why it exists, how it should operate in the Church and why it is necessary for the equipping, maturing and building up of the Church.  This class begins on March 11th and continues weekly.  Register Now!

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