Discovering Discipleship (DD1)
Year 1
Quarter 1
Discovering Discipleship establishes the biblical foundation for understanding what it means to be and live as a disciple of Christ from a Kingdom perspective.
Old Testament Survey (OTS 1)
Year 1
Quarter 1
The History Books Old Testament Survey (1) focuses on history books to teach that God, from the beginning, was a God of relationship.
Old Testament Survey (OTS 2)
Year 1
Quarter 2
This section of Old Testament Survey class will guide students through a study of the remaining books of the OT to introduce the spiritual and practical application of these diverse works.
Understanding the Bible (UTB)
Year 1
Quarter 2
Understanding the Bible teaches foundational concepts and principles to help students rightly divide scripture. Students explore topics such as the uniqueness of scripture, how the Bible came to exist, and why God gave us His Word.
New Testament Survey (NTS)
Year 1
Quarter 3
New Testament Survey presents an overview of the life and ministry of Jesus, the Christ as He ushered in the “Kingdom of God.”
Who I am in Christ (WIAIC)
Year 1
Quarter 3
In this course, you will be learning where your identity is centered by digging deeply into the Bible to find who God declared you to be. In order to follow Jesus as His disciple, you have to see Him as He truly is.
Basics of Theology (BOT)
Year 1
Quarter 4
Theology will introduce students to the exciting pursuit of growing in the knowledge and love of God through both intellectual and personal discovery. The primary focus will be on the fundamentals of Christian Theology, dealing with the essential elements that make Christianity the unique faith and form of worship that it is compared to other religions and forms of worship. Students will learn concepts of worldviews and how theology interacts with varying worldviews and learn to analyze their own theology and its roots.
Revelation (REV)
Year 1
Quarter 4
The Book of Revelation course helps students engage this prophetic work as the final revelation of Christ as Lion, Lamb, King, and God.